Hey Ruby Girls!
I missed a month of blogging! Can you forgive me? I have had so much going on since the last time I blogged.
Last month, I had to find a car. My car, Mr. Milan decided he had all of me he could take. He had 210,000 miles and he was 14 years old, it was time for him to take a rest. I was trying to find another car but I wasn't moving fast enough. My car's engine light came on while I was on my way to the funeral home. That was a Thursday. That Friday, I showed up at Crest Lincoln where I purchased Mr. Milan from, looking for my previous salesperson. I figured if God did a miracle through my salesperson Shawn with Mr. Milan, he would do it again. Long story short, God did it!
My car broke down the day before a lady traded my truck in! I had wanted my next car to be a trade-in. Trade-ins cost the dealership less money and they are willing to negotiate the price. This lady traded the truck in because she was moving to Africa! Let me give you a bullet point testimony about the truck purchase:
The truck was the exact color as a loaner I received about 5 years. My car needed repairs and the dealership gave me a brand new $30K MKC Lincoln truck to drive while my car that was worth about $5,000 was being repaired. I had said when I was sitting in that truck that I felt that truck was my next. No way could I afford that truck back then.
My salesman gave me his discount!!! I saved about $4,000 on a used truck. Ya'll look at God.
When I called the insurance company, my insurance is only going to be about $19.00 more a month! My former car was a 2008, this one is 9 years newer!!
The office manager told me that if I needed warranty work, that she would give me coupons that would cover the cost of the deductible!!!
My car has a bumper-to-bumper warranty that even covers my tire repair if I hit a pothole!!!
Listen, I share this to raise your faith level. I knew I wanted a Lincoln but, in my mind, I didn't see how I could afford one. They are super-duper expensive right now. God worked it out. I just had to do my part by saving up a nice down payment and work on my credit. God took care of the big things!
What is the BIG impossible that you are believing God for? I was about to just buy a car to have transportation, but God wanted to attach multiple testimonies to my next vehicle. No matter how impossible something look, God can touch people's heart and make your desire come to pass. This is the year of DO! What do you want to DO? Just DO it! I am a witness that God is sprinkling favor out on his Saints. Trust God and listen to wise counsel. What looks bad can actually be leading you to God's best in your life.
Until next time Ruby Girls,
-Your favorite Ruby Girl!