Hello My Dear Readers,
I thank you for hanging in there with me. I have been blogging a whole year. Where has the time gone? I have shared so much of my struggles and triumphant with you. Ya'll don't know it but a sister works hard. Maintaining 5 Social Media pages, my business and then I work a full-time job. My body screams to me each day, slow down. I rebuke you body, I got goals to achieve. LOL. Just kidding!
Summer is coming to a hot, sticky end. It is time for us to move into another season, Fall. I love fall but I feel sad when it first gets here. It is a reminder that summer is gone and that winter is coming. It is a mediator between what I enjoy and what I loathe, winter. With fall comes so many beautiful colors and nature starts to move into rest mode. We see trees releasing their leaves to the earth. The sun moves farther away and takes with it our warmth. Our days get shorter while our nights get longer. Yes, God has ordained rest for everything and everybody. Rest is so important to creation that we have 2 winters a year. During winter everything appears to die, but it is actually is resting and getting prepared for the next season!
Are you ready for your next season in your life? Have you been preparing for it? Just like nature prepares for its next season, you must do the same. What have you always wanted to do but was afraid to do it? Are you taking steps to overcome your fear? Do you want to be wealthy? Are you reading books and watching videos about how to become wealthy. We can't just sit, wait and think something is going to happen, we must act upon our faith. My singles that desire to be married, what are you doing to prepare to be a wife? If this is your 2nd marriage, what caused your first one to fail? If you moved too fast, are you ready to go slow in the next relationship? Did you see flags but ignored them? Do you understand that red flags mean stop? Oh my sisters, let this be the season that you examine your life and get prepared for your next.
I have a two week vacation coming up and I plan to rest and re-evaluate my life. I have fears I must defeat, business I must take care of but most importantly, I got to rest. I want my next season to be the best ever. I am getting older. Just yesterday, I seen where my skin is starting to wrinkle. Yup, old age is approaching. There is no pauses for me. I have paused enough in my life. Full speed ahead. Are you ready for your next? Have you prepared for the next season of your life? If not, let's begin today.
Until next time,
Your favorite Ruby Girl