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Is Purpose a Feeling?

Updated: Nov 5, 2023

Ruby Girls, how are you doing? It is so good to drop a line to let you know what has been on my mind. Did I just rhyme? I think I just discovered another skill. What I want to share with you today is something that I have been seeking God about. Just when I think I got it, I feel like I don't. If you personally know me, then you know I am a serial entrepreneur. Here is the list: I sell T-shirts, clothes, and craft. I am a talk show host and a motivational speaker. Oh, I am also an inactive coach. (Big sad face) That's a diversity of roles that I play. Now this is going to surprise you, I am still seeking to "feel" that I am walking in my life purpose. Isn't that just crazy?

I hear people say all the time, chase only one rabbit. I promise you I try to chase one rabbit, but you know rabbits can multiply really quickly and make you forget which one you were originally chasing. I find myself working in one of my roles but feeling like I am not as effective in that role as I should be. Then I decide to switch roles and after a while, I go to another role. I stay in a cycle of doing a little of this and a little of that. This year I decided to slow down because for the last two years, I have spent too much money on some of my rabbits!

There are times when you have to literally stop what you are doing to find out what your sole purpose is. I admire people who have made one thing their sole purpose. You know those type of people, like Serena Williams, she is a master at tennis because that is what she focuses on. Serena has not tried to master her talentS but she worked on mastering her talent of playing tennis. She knows what her single purpose is, and she does not deviate from it.

So how do you narrow your gifts and talents down to find your master talent which is connected to your life purpose? Good question, let me try to answer that question for you!

  1. You want to make a list of your talents. Number them from 1 to 10, with ten being the highest. Assign a number to each one of your items. Eliminate the talents which do not have a number 1. You are narrowing it down girl.

  2. Next take a look at your list and decide which talents you are strongest in. Only leave 2 talents on your list. For me it will be speaking and interviewing people. I am nosey so I love asking people questions because people have interesting life stories. See, I am getting closer to my Master Talent.

  3. Now that you have two talents, think about the one that you have been operating the longest in or that you are stronger in. Now pick one and pray and fast about it. Whatever God leads you to do, that's your Master Talent. Whew, that was easy!

I am not going to just tell you what to do, I am going to be a doer of my words. I am going to master one talent. It is hard to do when you are a creative person. When you are creative, you love being creative and doing whatever you set your hands to do!

I believe that purpose is not determined by "feelings" because feelings change. While we were in our mother's womb, God knew us and assigned a purpose for us all. Our purpose by default is to win souls to Christ. So until we find our Master talent or secondary purpose, be wise and be a soul winner. I would love for you to reach out to me. Email me at

Until next time Ruby Girls!

Now the word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”

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