Greetings my Ruby Girls!
Yes, I said it and I said it loud! This is the year of ME. To some this might sound selfish, but I want you to continue reading this blog and I promise, you will be claiming this as your mantra for 2023!
As women, it is almost programmed into us to do more for others than we do for ourselves. We think relationships are for the men to live that "King" life while we work, keep house, take care of the children and his needs. Let's stop this horse before it goes over the cliff! Ruby Girls, we were not created to be slaves, but a help meet. And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. Genesis 2:18 — King James Version.
God created Eve to be a "suitable fit" for Adam. (According to Encyclopedia of the Bible-Gateway) Remember in Genesis 2:20 when God had all the animals to go before Adam and he gave all of them names but there was not found a suitable help meet for him? Eve's purpose was two-fold. One to be a suitable helper for Adam and two to keep Adam from not being alone. It is not that God created Eve for Adam to not be lonely, but for him not to be alone. There is a difference.
Ruby Girls we can become almost idolic in the lives of our loved ones. We try to be a "savior" to those we love and care for at the expense of our health, finances and sometimes our peace! For many of us, if we had the power, our children or spouses would NEVER have to worry about going through because we would gladly do it for them. We can get so focused on being a "help" to others that we forget we need help too!
2023 is the year that you allow God to be God in the lives of those you love. You have to start to focus on you! You have to live out the purpose God has placed in YOU! I wonder if the majority of those who go to heaven who God asks, "Why didn't use your gifts and talents that I gave you? Why did you bury them in the sand" will be women? I can hear us saying, "God, you said that the married woman cared for the things of the world, her husband, children and household. That's what I did." (There we go adding to the scripture, we should have put a period at the end of world. Even in heaven we talk too much) Singles, you have NO excuse for not fulfilling your purpose! We better start using the gifts God gave us to fulfill HIS purpose for us or God is going to shake his head and pluck a few jewels out of our crowns!
2023 is the year of ME! Will you work on being a better ME? Will you sit down and plan a day of you just doing you? A Spa Day, pedicure or doing something that makes you feel good! My affirmations are: 2023 is the year of ME allowing God to use me for his purpose. 2023 is the year of ME standing up for ME. 2023 is the year of ME becoming my authentic true self. What is your ME statement? Are you standing up and shouting, "2023 is the year of ME!!" Not yet? Keep reading.
It is not selfish for you to work on being a healthy and whole soul. Some of you are afraid of being alone with yourself because you know that your "ME" needs work! You have stayed loyal for too long to people who have shown you over and over that they are not loyal to you! You have issues that you have never dealt with. You stuck a bandage on your soul wound and kept going. NOW it is infected, and you have to tend to it. An infected wound will leak fluids, smell and give you a lot of pain. Join ME and let us deal with our wounds. I am pulling off bandages and asking God to heal my soul wounds so I can be a better ME. We have to love ourselves first and then we can love others properly.
Say it with me, "2023 is the year of ME!" Until next time!
-Your favorite Ruby Girl